A source code for Next.js + WordPress

*Translated by deepl.Japanese article is here.

In creating my Jamstack blog, I found few articles and source codes that use WordPress as CMS, so I created one.

“There are a lot of people who have the same thought as I do: “I’m using WordPress, but I want to use the same articles when I migrate to Jamstack! I’m sure there are a lot of people who feel the same way, so please use this code to publish a Jamstack blog while using your existing content!

How to use it

  • Install graphql in existing wordpress according to README (as per official README)
  • Enter the URL in “env” (This is the file. This is a sample, so please create and use .env)
  • Enter the slug and display name for the fixed page (file here)
    • If the slug is wrong, it may not work.

Please do me a favor?

  • Push Star on Github!
  • Buy me a coffee!!
  • Please let me know if there are any modifications.

Source code

If you have any questions, please DM me via Github issue or Twitter.




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